Teresa Levice Day Crosby (1974 - 1916)
Teresa Levice Day is my Grand mother; the first wife of my grandfather Clarence Wallace Crosby. I never really knew about her until I started the family research project back in 2000. She had died in 1916 and was not mentioned to me by anyone during my early days.
She was only a name on a family tree chart until I visited my Aunt Maxine (wife of John Ariel Crosby) in Salem, Oregon back in 2000. She was the source of the pictures and the "Days of Yore" document. This is the history of the Day family in Canada.
The other source of information which I came across in Orlando, Fl, were the Family Letters which had been kept by Jesse Crosby while in Cuba. His daughter Lula Keyes had those letters and gave them to me in 2000. Many of the letters in that collection were written by my grandfather Clarence Wallace Crosby. She was a subject of conversation in many of those letters.
However, the most important discovery was a letter in the bottom of Aunt Maxine's trunk which cousin Paul (son of Ariel and Maxine Crosby) and I were going thru again in the year 2018. We came across a torn letter with no envelope at the bottom of the trunk. At first glance I discounted it, however, when I took a closer look, it was from my grandmother Teresa to "friends" and signed of "From your Sister Teresa". It was written sometime during 1915.
This means that a recipient of that letter must have sent it to Aunt Maxine, who then kept it in her trunk. Our finding this letter was an accident of history.
This was the most important find because now we added personality and values to pictures and family tree. I only wish that we had more of her letters. I would have liked to have known her. Read the letter!
Larry Allen Crosby
January 2019